Monday, 12 January 2015

Lift your mood before Blue Monday

The days are getting longer, but it’s still January…….......

If you feel you are struggling through, yoga can help to calm and strengthen you and lift your mood.  In this pop-up class, the postures, breathing and meditation are all designed to leave you feeling lighter and brighter in body and mind.

Pop-up yoga class - Saturday 17th January 11-12.00 midday

The class is suitable for beginners and also includes challenge for more experienced yoga students.  Please register in advance: Contact Sue at or phone Fitness Connection Gym, High Street, Sandwich, CT13 9EB, where the event is held, 01304 614000

I look forward to seeing you there!  Dr Susan Jeffery, British Wheel of Yoga Qualified Teacher.

Event kindly supported by Fitness Connection.  All proceeds to the Alzheimer’s Society, charity no 296645.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Back to a good way

Yoga classes start up again this week at Fitness Connection, Sandwich.  Choose from Gentle Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation on Wed 5.15pm or the Thursday morning mixed ability class at 11am – or come to both.  Chair-based yoga also starts up at The Centre, by the Guildhall, Sandwich on Wed. at 10.30am.  Further details at or phone Fitness Connection 01304 614000

Its time to get your body back to work with some gentle yoga stretching that massages your internal organs and gives them a nudge to get on with their job.  A yoga class is simpler, cheaper and more fun than many of the “detox solutions” on offer right now.   The body is designed to “detox” itself and yoga stimulates your natural systems to bring you back to a happy feeling of balance. 

I look forward to seeing you in the class!  Dr Susan Jeffery, British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher