Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation – try it free at 12.30pm on 20th August 2015

1.       Regular meditators are happier and more contented than average.[1]

2.       This is significant because positive emotions are linked to a longer and healthier life.*

3.       Anxiety, depression and anxiety all decrease with regular sessions of meditation*

4.       Memory also improves, reaction times become faster and mental and physical stamina increase.*

5.       Regular meditators enjoy better and more fulfilling relationships.*

6.       Studies worldwide have found that meditation reduces the key indicators of chronic stress, including hypertension.*

7.       Meditation has also been found to be effective in reducing the impact of serious conditions, such as chronic pain* and cancer*, and can even help to relieve drug and alcohol dependence.*

8.       Studies have now shown that meditation bolsters the immune system and thus helps to fight off colds, flu and other diseases.*

Too good to be true? - come and try it for yourself – I look forward to seeing you there – Sue

The Age Concern Centre in Sandwich is holding a fair on Thursday 20th May.  I will be running a free taster session of gentle chair-based yoga and mindfulness meditation for 20 mins starting at 12.30pm.  The Fair is at The Centre, 19-21 Cattle Market, Sandwich, CT13 9AP.  Please phone 01304 614237 to book for the taster session.

Dr Susan Jeffery, British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher,

[1] Williams, M and D Penman, 2013, Mindfulness – a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world, Piatkus, UK, pp. 5-6.  All claims with an asterisk are based on scientific research papers cited by these authors.  See this book or email me, Susan Jeffery - - for more detailed references for any particular claim.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Chair-based Yoga 1

“I have a mind and body – you’ve reminded me of that!” says the newest member of our chair-based yoga group at The Centre, Sandwich.   Yoga underlines that mind and body are intertwined as one and helps to strengthen the whole person.  This works by paying attention to sensations in the body during gentle exercise, learning to breathe better and through the very calming practice of mindfulness meditation. 
This is why yoga is different from many other forms of exercise.  All welcome!

The first class (of 45 mins) is free or if you prefer a shorter taster introduction (20mins), come to the Age Concern Sandwich Summer Fair at 12.30 on 20th August.  Call the Centre, 01304 614237 to book a place or email me, Sue,

I look forward to seeing you there.
Dr Susan Jeffery, BWY qualified teacher