Monday, 12 February 2018

For easier movement and more comfort in your joints - tune into gravity!

We've been trying to picture the pull of gravity below us in a variety of postures in my yoga classes over the last week or two.  Focusing on the gravity pull will make the response of the body to it more intense and this can have the effect of creating space in the joints/articulations, according to John Stirk. osteopath and yoga teacher.  This can help to improve the comfortable range of movement in the body.

"Feeling the pull of gravity" may sound a little mystical, also has a common-sense appeal.  We know we carry more tension in our bodies than we need, so can we use this approach to relax as we surrender a little to a powerful natural force?  Try lying on your back with your arms perpendicular (pointing straight upwards), resting in your shoulder sockets and relax your wrists.  Once you have found the right position, this is surprisingly effortless - you are resting in gravity. 

Gravity does affect our bodies.  When astronauts spend time weightless, they have problems with their muscles/joints when they return to earth and need expert guidance and exercise to readjust to the pull of gravity.

Tuning into gravity also adds an extra dimension to a grounding meditation, when we try to rest the busy mind by bringing its attention to the sensations in the body resting on the ground.

Why not try picturing the pull of gravity below you?

Please let me know how you find all this by writing to me at