Sunday, 4 March 2018

Keep moving, keep warm!

1. Keeping moving, little and often, can help you to keep warm.  You can do these exercises for the feet and toes, either seated or standing on one leg, using a chair if you wish to help balance.

Breathing: before you start moving
Abdominal breath: Breathe IN, count to 3, as abdomen rises; Breathe OUT, count to 4, as abdomen falls away. Do a total of 3 rounds.

Toes/feet: do all exercises x 3; can do up to x 10.

loosen & spread toes widthways
squeeze toes under the foot & then up towards you
point the whole foot away & then bring the whole foot towards you
rotate the ankles to the right 
rotate the ankles to the left
rotate the ankles inwards
rotate the ankles outwards   

Rest – observe all the different sensations


2. Another gentle exercise is to follow the sequence of ten mindful movements from Thich Nhat Hanh

We have used these in class and you can find the whole sequence to follow (about 14mins) at       Try starting your day this way!

Remember, Take things gently, do not strain.

I hope you enjoy these!