Monday, 16 December 2019

Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Course Canterbury starts Feb 10 2020

‘YOGA for Healthy Lower Backs’ 12-Week Course starting February 10th 2020 Canterbury Yoga Studio, Harbledown
This evidence-based (University of York / Arthritis Research UK) quality yoga programme is gentle; beginner-friendly; effective; enjoyable.  The specialised classes give you a tool-kit to improve comfort and long-term health.
Course runs on Mondays 1.30-2.45 pm starting February 10th 2020 Canterbury Yoga Studio, Harbledown.   Small group, early enquiries/booking advised

Contact Dr Susan Jeffery for details/to book at or call 01304 620467
Comments from previous students on this course at Canterbury Yoga:

“I came in from work with aching back, put on the CD relaxation track, lay down & it was marvellous – after 15 minutes the pain had gone!  The course has given me confidence in moving my body.”
“I can now move more comfortably, including reaching my toes to do my own pedicure!”

“The course has improved my confidence to manage my back pain.  I now go out more as I know how to help myself if my back starts to become painful.”


Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Gentle Chair-based Yoga with Mindfulness Meditation at Age Concern, Sandwich - News

Gentle Chair-based Yoga with Mindfulness Meditation - News

Dear Yoga Students,

I am excited to tell you that there will be some improvements to our chair-based yoga class from September 2019 (exact start date to be confirmed).  The idea is to keep all the best features of our current class and also allow time for a wider variety of activities – all gentle!  After 5 ½ years without a price rise, I am afraid there will be an increase, which I have discussed & agreed with Age Concern.  I am confident you will continue to enjoy our class and, as always, I will be interested to know your thoughts!  As part of our improvements, there will also be another class starting on Fridays (same times/prices) taught by my yoga colleague.

Wednesdays 10.15 for 10.30-11.30 am at The Centre, 19-21 Cattle Market, Sandwich (by the Guildhall).  £22 per half-term (5 classes); Single classes £5.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any concerns/queries - phone Susan on 01304 620467 or email me at

I look forward to seeing you in the class!  

Dr Susan Jeffery, British Wheel of Yoga Qualified Teacher


For more info/updates visit