‘YOGA for Healthy Lower Backs’
12-Week Course starting February 10th 2020 Canterbury Yoga Studio, Harbledown
evidence-based (University of York / Arthritis
Research UK) quality yoga programme is gentle; beginner-friendly; effective; enjoyable. The specialised classes give you a tool-kit
to improve comfort and long-term health. Course runs on Mondays 1.30-2.45 pm starting February 10th 2020 Canterbury Yoga Studio, Harbledown. Small group, early enquiries/booking advised
Contact Dr Susan Jeffery for details/to book
at sjyogaandphilosophy@gmail.com
or call 01304 620467
Comments from previous students on this course at Canterbury Yoga:
“I came in from work with aching back, put on the CD
relaxation track, lay down & it was marvellous – after 15 minutes the pain
had gone! The course has given me
confidence in moving my body.”
“I can now move more comfortably, including reaching my toes
to do my own pedicure!”“The course has improved my confidence to manage my back pain. I now go out more as I know how to help myself if my back starts to become painful.”
More info at