Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Gentle Chair-based Yoga with Mindfulness Meditation at Age Concern, Sandwich - News

Gentle Chair-based Yoga with Mindfulness Meditation - News

Dear Yoga Students,

I am excited to tell you that there will be some improvements to our chair-based yoga class from September 2019 (exact start date to be confirmed).  The idea is to keep all the best features of our current class and also allow time for a wider variety of activities – all gentle!  After 5 ½ years without a price rise, I am afraid there will be an increase, which I have discussed & agreed with Age Concern.  I am confident you will continue to enjoy our class and, as always, I will be interested to know your thoughts!  As part of our improvements, there will also be another class starting on Fridays (same times/prices) taught by my yoga colleague.

Wednesdays 10.15 for 10.30-11.30 am at The Centre, 19-21 Cattle Market, Sandwich (by the Guildhall).  £22 per half-term (5 classes); Single classes £5.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any concerns/queries - phone Susan on 01304 620467 or email me at

I look forward to seeing you in the class!  

Dr Susan Jeffery, British Wheel of Yoga Qualified Teacher


For more info/updates visit